Space for Professionals
A new space for kraamzorg professionals working with a holistic approach to connect and share ideas and ask questions. Creating opportunities to support and learn from and with each other. With the wish to grow into a national space where families looking for holistic support and information can come to find what they need in terms of support, information and resources.
Holistisch Kraamcollectief
The reason for the birth of the Holistisch Kraamcollectief is because we wish to grow the awareness of the importance of caring for the new family not only with the regular approach to kraamzorg. But specifically combining all of the knowledge and understanding from different approaches and cultures. Next to our responsibility for the health of mother and baby we wish to to nurture the new mother and family both by feeding them healthy and appropriate foods as well as by caring for the emotional wellbeing and the physical recovery of the mother. Massage, touch and rituals play an important role in this healing. By looking at the wider health and wellbeing of the mother and baby we establish a healthy base which offers long term benefits to the welbbing of the family.
The pillars of our care are
Body care
The intention of the collective is to offer a space for the following:
A space for like minded colleagues to share and exchange. To support each other in the joys and challenges of our work. To work together and offer each other back up and to come together to exchange and learn from and with each other.
To organize trainings and schooling for colleagues who wish to learn more about this approach.
For parent’s to be to find a kraamzorg who is working with the principles of holistic care.
At the moment of writing this (June 2024) the Holistisch Kraamcollectief is just getting started and is in the process of taking shape. Regular meet-ups for colleagues and more are being organized.
If you wish to be a part of it, learn more or contribute in some way feel free to reach out!
Contact us here